Prague, Czech Republic
22nd and 23rd September 2022
The conference is a continuation of the well-established Translation in Transition series that serves as a meeting point for scholars conducting research in translation based on an empirical methodological paradigm. With the previous conferences in mind, held in Copenhagen, Germersheim, Ghent, Barcelona and Kent (Ohio), the Prague edition wants to put special emphasis on three main directions: we would like to draw on the vast resources of the Czech National Corpus (including InterCorp, a large multilingual parallel corpus), and concentrate on the methodological interplay between translation studies and contrastive linguistics. At the same time, prominence will be given to machine translation, as Prague is one of its international centres.
We welcome contributions grounded in empirical approaches to studying translation, as well as theoretical and position papers on the following topics:
The official language of the conference is English.
The main conference will consist of both plenary lectures and full papers. Full papers will include a 20 minutes’ presentation and 10 minutes’ discussion.
Gert de Sutter (Ghent University)
Silvia Bernardini (University of Bologna)
It is envisaged to hold the conference in hybrid form: both online and in person at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague. The venue is in the city centre, within easy reach by public transport.
We invite original submissions that deal with any of the conference topics. To encourage a fruitful exchange of ideas and experience among the researchers of various fields of specialization, preference will be given to interdisciplinary contributions that cover two or more of the conference topics.
The submissions are to be made in the form of anonymized extended abstracts that should be between 500 and 800 words long (excluding references). Apart from a clear outline of the aims and methods of the study, the abstracts should also provide (preliminary) results. The abstracts will be reviewed by at least two members of the scientific committee.
The abstracts should be submitted through Easy Chair, the submission page is now open.
Submission of abstracts by 14 Feb 2022 21 Feb 2022.
Notification of acceptance by 30 Apr 2022
Registration from 1 May 2022
As the primary goal of the conference is to serve as a platform for a fruitful exchange of ideas, we do not plan to publish full conference proceedings. However, abstracts of all accepted papers will be made available on-line, and in addition, we offer two publication options:
Further information to this effect will be communicated in due course.
The conference fee for in-person participans will be approximately EUR 100. The fee includes attendance to all conference sessions and coffee break refreshments. The conference fee for online participans will be lower.
The conference is organized by the Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, in cooperation with the Institute of Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, and the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University.
Věra Kloudová (Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University)
Michal Křen (Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University)
Olga Nádvorníková (Institute of Romance Studies, Charles University)
Martin Popel (Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University)
Tomáš Svoboda (Institute of Translation Studies, Charles University)
Łucja Biel (University of Warsaw)
Mario Bisiada (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Ondřej Bojar (Charles University)
Michael Carl (Kent State University)
Anna Čermáková (Charles University)
Hélène Chuquet (Université de Poitiers)
Jean-Pierre Colson (Université catholique de Louvain)
Oliver Czulo (Universität Leipzig)
Joke Daems (Universiteit Gent)
Daria Dayter (Universität Basel)
Sylvie Monjean Decaudin (Sorbonne Université)
Bart Defrancq (Ghent University)
Isabelle Delaere (KU Leuven)
Chantal Gagnon (Université de Montréal)
Daniel Gallego Hernández (Universitat d’Alacant)
Federico Gaspari (University of Reggio Calabria)
Volker Gast (Universität Jena)
Gaëtanelle Gilquin (Université catholique de Louvain)
Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Universität Mainz)
Hilde Hasselgård (University of Oslo)
Jindřich Helcl (University of Edinburgh, Charles University)
Dorothy Kenny (Dublin City University)
Tom Kocmi (Microsoft, München)
Haidee Kotze (Utrecht University)
Ralph Krüger (TH Köln)
Isabel Lacruz (Kent State University)
Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski (Universität des Saarlandes)
Sara Laviosa (University of Bari)
Marie-Aude Lefer (Université catholique de Louvain)
Jindřich Libovický (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Krzysztof Łoboda (Jagiellonian University Kraków)
Rudy Loock (Université de Lille 3)
Lucie Lukešová (Charles University)
Michaela Martinková (Palacký University Olomouc)
Bruce Maylath (North Dakota State University)
Vicent Montalt (Universitat Jaume I)
Stella Neumann (RWTH Aachen)
Michal Novák (Charles University)
Sharon O’Brien (Dublin City University)
Signe Oksefjell Ebeling (University of Oslo)
Giuseppe Palumbo (University of Trieste)
Koen Plevoets (Universiteit Gent)
Eric Poirier (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières)
Maja Popović (Dublin City University)
Margaret Rogers (University of Surrey)
Andrew Rothwell (Swansea University)
Federica Scarpa (University of Trieste)
Tatiana Serbina (RWTH Aachen)
Kirk St. Amant (Louisiana Tech University)
Frieda Steurs (KU Leuven)
Rachelle Vessey (Carleton University)
All information about the conference is available on where all updates will also be posted.
Please use the following e-mail address to contact the organizers:
The members of the organizing committee are looking forward to welcoming you to Prague!